Russian version of the booklet “The Landscapes of Dauria —Potential Serial Transnational World Heritage Property” published

The booklet contains the materials related to the serial transnational Russian–Mongolian nomination The Landscapes of Dauria developed by the Natural Heritage Protection Fund and forwarded to the World Heritage Center in January 2014.

The booklet was published within the framework of the editorial project run by the Natural Heritage Protection Fund and dedicated to Russian natural properties inscribed on the World Heritage List, Tentative List and also potential properties for inscription. The booklets that have been published as part of the series are as follows: Lena Pillars Nature Park, Virgin Komi Forests, Golden Mountains of Altai, Volcanoes of Kamchatka, Volga Delta.

pdf Booklet "The Landscapes of Dauria — Potential Serial Transnational World Heritage Property” (Russian version)