Natural Heritage Protection Fund
Decisions of the World Heritage Committee
Decisions adopted at the 33rd Session (Seville, 22-30 June 2009)
State of conservation of World Heritage Properties:
State of conservation of World Heritage Property Virgin Komi Forests (N 719)
State of conservation of World Heritage Property Natural System of "Wrangel Island" Reserve (N 1023)
State of conservation of World Heritage Property Western Caucasus (N 900)
State of conservation of World Heritage Property Lake Baikal (N 754)
State of conservation of World Heritage Property Golden Mountains of Altai (N 768 rev)
About the Fund
World Heritage
Official documents
Nominations RF
Nominations CIS
Tentative List Submissions
Informational materials
Decisions of the World Heritage Committee
Research projects
NHP Fund activities reports
Site map
Make a Donation