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- Итоги 45-й сессии Комитета всемирного наследия ЮНЕСКО
- Заповедник «Тигровая балка» (Таджикистан) включен в Список всемирного наследия ЮНЕСКО
- The Natural Heritage Protection Fund acted as one of the organizers of the International Forum for the 50th Anniversary of the World Heritage Convention
- Bashkir Shikhans are included in the Tentative List of World Heritage Sites
- Explanations on the 45th session of the World Heritage Committee
- The nomination "Tugay forests of the Tigrovaya Balka Nature Reserve" was transferred to the UNESCO World Heritage Centre
- The results of the 44th session of the World Heritage Committee
- National Park Kytalyk Included in Tentative List of World Heritage Sites
- The results of the 42th session of the World Heritage Committee
- The Bikin National Park has been inscribed on the UNESCO World Heritage List
- The popular science booklet “Bikin River Valley - Potential World Heritage Property” has been printed
- Supplementary Information to the nomination Bikin River Valley (extension of the Central Sikhote-Alin site) has been transferred by the Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment of Russia to the World Heritage Centre
- In the course of the 41st session of the Committee, the total number of the natural World Heritage sites has achieved 206
- Russia’s got a new World Heritage site — Landscapes of Dauria — in Year of Ecology
- IUCN Recommends the World Heritage Committee to Inscribe Landscapes of Dauria on the List
- Bikin River Valley Nomination Recognized as “Complete”
- Additional Documentation to Landscapes of Dauria Nomination Transferred to World Heritage Centre
- Bikin River Valley Nomination Transferred to World Heritage Centre
- The World Heritage Committee continued its work from 24 to 26 October 2016 at UNESCO Headquarters in Paris
- The results of the 40th session of the world heritage Committee
- Западный Тянь-Шань включен в Список всемирного наследия
- Возобновлена подготовка номинации «Долина реки Бикин»
- Marine scientists gather in Paris to explore World Heritage potential in the Arctic
- Additional documents related to The Landscapes of Dauria nomination were forwarded to the World Heritage Centre
- IUCN consultant conducted a field survey of Ugtam and Yakh-Nuur Nature Refuges in Mongolia during the development of The Landscapes of Dauria nomination
- UNESCO recognized Sinsky Pillars (Yakutia) as the property of Outstanding Universal Value
- Concerning the decision of the World Heritage Committee on joint Russian–Mongolian nomination The Landscapes of Dauria
- At the 39th session of the World Heritage Committee held in Bonn they adopted the decisions on Russian natural properties
- The documents related to minor boundary modification of Lena Pillars property have been forwarded to the World Heritage Centre
- Scientific justification for Outstanding Universal Value of the World Heritage property Last Ice Area has been developed
- Russian version of the booklet “The Landscapes of Dauria —Potential Serial Transnational World Heritage Property” published
- Decisions on Russian natural properties were adopted at the 38th session of the World Heritage Committee in Doha, Qatar
- The CIS countries have selected the base organization in the field of World Heritage conservation
- Results of completeness check with regard to ‘The Landscapes of Dauria’ and ‘The Virgin Komi Forests’ nominations
- A new nomination ‘The Virgin Komi Forests’ (significant modification of boundaries with regard to the property already on the List) has been submitted to the World Heritage Centre
- New Western Caucasus nomination has been submitted for approval to the Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment of the Russian Federation
- On December 2−4, the 4th All-Russian Congress on Environment Protection was held in Moscow
- Twelve new members elected to World Heritage Committee
- “Landscapes of Dauria”, the transnational Russian and Mongolian nomination, has been successfully checked for completeness in the World Heritage Centre.
- All-Russian Conference Involving the Management of State Nature Reserves and National Parks has been held in Khakassia
- International Conference “Golden Mountains of Altai –Our Common Heritage” has been closed in Ulaanbaatar
- Results of the 37th session of the World Heritage Committee
- Five new natural properties have been inscribed on the World Heritage List
- Tajik National Park (Pamir Mountains) has been inscribed on the List by the World Heritage Committee
- Decisions on Russian natural properties have been adopted at the 37th session of the World Heritage Committee in Phnom Penh
- "Landscapes of Dauria - Potential Serial Transnational World Heritage Property" booklet published
- Sub-Regional Meeting on the Nomination of the Western Tien-Shan as a World Heritage property
- Transnational Russian and Mongolian nomination “Landscapes of Dauria” was determined to be incomplete
- The meeting of the Russian National Committee for World Cultural and Natural Heritage was held in the State Historical Museum
- A press conference devoted to prospects to nominate the Permsky Krai natural objects for the World Heritage status was held in Perm
- "Landscapes of Dauria" the transnational Russian-Mongolian nomination, was submitted to UNESCO World Heritage Centre
- International workshop “Sustainable development of transboundary areas within the Altai region” took place in Urumqi (PRC), and was aimed to discuss the prospects for transnational extension of the Russian World Heritage Property “The Golden Mountains of Altai”
- The presentation of the World Heritage Site “Lena Pillars Nature Park” and the distribution of awards between the authors took place within the framework of National days of The Sakha (Yakutia) Republic in Moscow
- Fieldworks in the “Mongol Daguur” SPA took place within the framework of preparatory activities for transnational nomination “Landscapes of Dauria”
- Decisions adopted at the 36th Session of the World Heritage Committee (Sankt-Petersburg, 2012) on Russia's World Heritage Properties
- The 36th annual session of the UNESCO World Heritage Committee has finished in Saint Petersburg
- Lena Pillars Nature Park has become the tenth Russian site inscribed on the UNESCO World Heritage List
- "Lena Pillars Nature Park - Potential World Heritage Property" booklet published
- The presentation of the projects of the Sakha Republic (Yakutia) in the field of collaboration with the United Nations through education, science, and culture was held at UNESCO Headquarters
- The preparation of the Russian–Mongolian nomination "Daurian Steppes" has started
- Twenty-five new properties inscribed on UNESCO's World Heritage List which now numbers 936
- Decisions adopted at the 35th Session of the World Heritage Committee (Paris, 2011) on Russia's World Heritage Properties
- "Volcanoes of Kamchatka – the World Heritage Property" booklet published
- "Lena Pillars Nature Park" nomination submitted to the UNESCO World Heritage Centre
- "Lena Pillars Nature Park" and "Bikin River Valley" nomination dossiers submitted to the Ministry of Natural Resources and Ecology
- Natural property "Bikin River Valley" as extension of "Central Sikhote-Alin" World Heritage property was inscribed to the Russian Tentative List
- World Heritage Committee inscribes a total of 21 new sites on UNESCO World Heritage List
- "Putorana Plateau" nomination was inscribed on the UNESCO World Heritage List
- World Heritage Committee inscribes two new sites on World Heritage List
- Decisions adopted at the 34nd Session of the World Heritage Committee (Brasilia, 2010) on Russia's World Heritage Properties
- World Heritage Committee makes changes on the List of World Heritage in Danger
- UNESCO welcomes backing by President of Russian Federation for the preservation of St Petersburg
- Consultations and working meetings concerning "The Lena Pillars Natural Park" nomination were held in the IUCN Head office
- "The Magadansky Reserve" nomination and "The Bikin River Valley" Tentative List submission successfully passed through interdepartmental harmonization of documents
- Preparation of the nomination "Bikin River Valley" was began for the purpose of the "Central Sikhote Alin" property extension
- Management plan of Astrakhansky State Nature Reserve, which claimed to be inscribed on the Russian Tentative List, was developed
- WHC Director Francesco Bandarin appointed new UNESCO Assistant Director-General for Culture
- Natural Heritage Protection Fund summarized its work over a period of 10 years
- Transnational serial property "Western Tien-Shan" inscribed to the national Tentative lists of the Republic of Kazakhstan and the Kyrgyz Republic
- "The Nation Natural heritage - 2010" awards announced
- "Bikin River Valley" Tentative List Submission Format surrendered to The Commission of the Russian Federation for UNESCO
- "Magadansky Reserve" World Heritage nomination have been submitted to the Commission of the Russian Federation for UNESCO
- Director General presents UNESCO climate change initiative at Copenhagen Conference
- Google and UNESCO announce alliance to provide virtual visits of several World Heritage sites
- Two booklets from the series "Russian Natural World Heritage Properties" have been published
- A workshop meeting "Serial natural World Heritage sites: challenges for nomination and management" took place
- General Assembly elects 12 new members to World Heritage Committee and sets priorities for future of Heritage Convention
- The preparation of the transnational nomination "Daurian Steppes" renewed
- IUCN expert mission to the Tajik national park
- Work continues on the preparation of the Western Tien-Shan transnational serial World Heritage Property
- Repeated IUCN expert mission to Putorana Reserve completed
- Within the framework of the preparation for the nomination "Ilmensky Mountains" the field work in Ilmensky Reserve took place
- A work meeting has taken place concerning the extension of the "Golden Mountains of Altai" World Heritage site
- The "Lena Pillars Natural Park" nomination dossier will be re-represented in the World Heritage Centre before February, the 1st, 2010
- The 33rd World Heritage Committee session results
- Decisions adopted at the 33rd Session of the World Heritage Committee (Seville, 22-30 June 2009) on Russia's World Heritage Properties
- Publishing of Russian natural World Heritage sites booklets to continue
- Agenda for 33rd Session of the World Heritage Committee in Seville
- Preparation of the "Ilmensky Mountains" World Heritage nomination dossier has started
- 33rd Session of the World Heritage Committee to meet from 22-30 June in Seville, Spain
- 50th anniversary of the Nubia Campaign
- Workshop "Starlight Reserves and World Heritage - scientific cultural and environmental values"
- Workshop dedicated to the World Heritage Impact Assessment
- World Heritage Map 2008-2009
- Nomination "Tajik national park (Mountains of the Pamir)" submitted to the UNESCO World Heritage Centre
- Updated version of the nomination "The Putorana Plateau" submitted to the UNESCO World Heritage Centre
- Working meeting "Nomination and management of the serial transnational World Heritage properties"
- Documents on presenting Kungurskaya Ice Cave to World Heritage List submitted to Ministry of Natural Resources
- Steering meeting on the creation of the management plans for the Kronotsky Reserve and the South Kamchatka Federal Preserve
- Research & practice seminar on the occasion of the Golden Mountains of Altai 10th anniversary
- Booklet "Volga Delta - potential World Heritage site" has been published
- Decisions adopted at the 32nd Session of the World Heritage Committee (Quebec City, 2008) on Russia's World Heritage Properties
- New site Ilmen Mountains has been added to the Russian Federation Tentative List of properties nominated for inscription on to the UNESCO World Heritage List
- IUCN expert mission to the Lena Pillars NP in the Republic of Sakha
- On August 18-20, 2008, a seminar called "The Virgine Komi Forests as a model natural World Heritage site" took place in Vuktil, Republic of Komi
- Documents to include the Ilmensky State Nature Reserve on the Tentative List of the Russian Federation are delivered to the World Heritage Center
- The 32nd session of the UNESCO's World Heritage Committee is over
- Results of a scientific and practical workshop "the Green Belt of Fennoscandia: current situation and future prospects"
- New biodiversity conservation project is launched
- UNESCO/IUCN mission to evaluate the state of conservation of the Western Caucasus World Heritage site has completed its work
- Development of Management Plans for Specially Protected Areas (SPAs) composing the Volcanoes of Kamchatka World Heritage site
- The Lena Pillars Natural Park World Heritage nomination is determined technically complete
- Preparation of the Magadansky Reserve World Heritage nomination is resumed
- New training initiative for people working at World Heritage sites
- 2007-2008 World Heritage Map Available
- Nine new members have been elected to World Heritage Committee
- Ancient Sogdiana – potential UNESCO World Heritage Site
- The Lena Pillars nomination file sent to the UNESCO World Heritage Centre
- Russian Version of World Heritage Information Kit Published
- IUCN Expert Mission to Putorana Reserve
- Working group for Volga Delta nomination visits Astrakhansky Natural State Reserve
- Sub-Regional Meeting on the Nomination of the West Tien-Shan as a Natural Heritage Site
- The 31st Session of the UNESCO World Heritage Committee
- Working up the transboundary nomination "Western Tien-Shan"
- Meeting on management plan for the Ubsunur Hollow Reserve
- Project "Catalyzing development of Kugu Kakshan Reserve" launched
- Nomination files preparation
- Publishing projects
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- Research
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