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Scientific justification for Outstanding Universal Value of the World Heritage property Last Ice Area has been developed

The Natural Heritage Protection Fund and WWF Canada have developed a scientific justification for Outstanding Universal Value of the World Heritage property Last Ice Area. The developed materials are planned to be used in the course of preparation of the joint transnational Canada–Denmark nomination bearing the same name for inscription of the property on the World Heritage List.

During 2014, the Natural Heritage Protection Fund developed, with the financial support of WWF Arctic Program, key sections of the Format for the nomination of properties (including property identification, description, criteria, justification for Outstanding Universal Value, comparative analysis, statement of integrity) for transnational Canada–Denmark property Last Ice Area, which was very likely to be inscribed on the World Heritage List. The decision related to the future of the nomination will be adopted after the respective consultations of the States Parties to the Convention, Canada and Denmark. The documents were prepared with the engagement of WWF Canada, WWF Arctic Program, Institute of Geography (Russian Academy of Sciences), Faculty of Geography (Moscow State University).

Booklet "Last ice area - Potential Transnational World Heritage Property"