Major projects of the Fund:
- coordination of preparation of the Curonian Spit, Valdai - the Great Watershed, the Putorana Plateau, the Magadansky Reserve, the Green Belt of Fennoscandia, the Volga Delta, the Lena Pillars, the Sinsky Pillars, Ilmensky Mountains, Bikin River Valley, Landscapes of Dauria World Natural Heritage nominations;
- was the developer of the rationale for the Canadian-Danish nomination "The Last Ice Area";
- RSS project "Russian natural heritage sites and ecotourism in Russia" (coordination of work);
- R&D project of Russian Ministry for Economic Development "Analysis of the legal regime of nature management in the coastal zone of the Kuril Islands. Development of the grounds for nominating the islands to the UNESCO World Heritage List" (performer);
- "Analytical survey of the management efficiency and modern state of the Russian World Natural Heritage sites" (performer, together with the IUCN) and "Potential future World Heritage nominations of the boreal zone" (performer, together with the IUCN);
- "Technical guidelines on development of the management plans for SPAs composing the World Natural Heritage sites" (assistance);
- a number projects of the Moscow government concerning the "Skhodnya River Valley in Kurkino" Natural Park (performer);
- The Russian Ministry of Natural Resources scientific research project "Methodological support for the Russian Federation abiding by the obligations on protecting the World Cultural and Natural Heritage (in the framework of the UNESCO Convention)";
- UNESCO Russian-Mongolian project "Elaboration of management plans for the "Uvs Nuur Basin" World Heritage Site";
- A project "Specific Nature Conservation Measures in the Volga delta" has been realized with the support of European Nature Heritage Fund (Euronature). The nomination dossier for the Volga Delta World Heritage nomination, a management plan for the Astrakhansky State Nature Reserve (Zapovednik) and GIS database for the Ramsar site have been prepared. Along with the Natural Heritage Protection Fund the project is supported by the Institute of Geography of the Russian Academy of Sciences, EcoCenter "Zapovedniks" and the Wetland International Russia Program;
- The Fund has contributed to the development of management plans for a number of SPAs included into existing and potential World Heritage Sites: Astrakhansky, Putoransky, Kronotsky, Uvs Nuur Hollow Reserves, Yugid va National Park and Nalichevo Nature Park.