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The documents related to minor boundary modification of Lena Pillars property have been forwarded to the World Heritage Centre

The documents related to minor boundary modification of Lena Pillars property, being inscribed on the World Heritage List in 2012, have been forwarded to the World Heritage Centre. The documents justify the necessity of including the section of the Sinyaya River basin, a left bank tributary of the Lena River, as part of the existing World Heritage property, which will significantly contribute to the Outstanding Universal Value of the property according to criterion viii.

The Sinsky Plot covering 115,000 hectares is a significant contribution to Cambrian formations pertaining to the main area of Lena Pillars property. The thickest and most complete section of the Sinsk Formation (30 m) is represented here for the entire Siberian Platform. The Sinsky Plot is the one and only example of ground frozen karst development within such complex structural and tectonic conditions. Thus, at the expanded area the Outstanding Universal Value of the property is brightly demonstrated, notably by both of its main components —Cambrian period deposits and ground frozen karst.

The question related to minor boundary modification of Lena Pillars property will be discussed at the 39th session of the World Heritage Committee in 2015.

The documents were jointly prepared by the Natural Heritage Protection Fund, Institute of Geography (Russian Academy of Sciences), Ammosov North Eastern Federal University, Biological Faculty of Moscow State University, with the support of the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia) Lena Pillars Nature Park.