The presentation of the World Heritage Site “Lena Pillars Nature Park” and the distribution of awards between the authors took place within the framework of National days of The Sakha (Yakutia) Republic in MoscowOn the 23rd of November people gathered on the territory of Gostyny Dvor to see the colorful presentation of tourist potential of RS(Y) “Yakutia – diamond on the map of Russia” and UNESCO World Heritage Site “Lena Pillars Nature Park”. The RS(Y) During the presentation RS(Y) badges of merit “Civil Valour” were given to the following authors of the nominations: Y. Rozanov, Academician, A. Juravlev d.b.s., P.Parhaev d.b.s., E. Trofimova c.g.s., and A. Butorin, project coordinator. The nomination was being prepared during 2005–2011 by the experts of Lena Pillars Nature Park, the Institute of Geology of Diamonds and Noble Metals (Siberian Branch, Russian Academy of Sciences), Institute of Geography (Russian Academy of Sciences), Institute of Paleontology of the RAS, D.S. Likhachev Institute for Cultural and Natural Heritage, International Academy for Nature Conservation, Isle of Vilm (Germany). The overall coordination of the work was performed by the Natural Heritage Protection Fund. |