"Magadansky Reserve" World Heritage nomination have been submitted to the Commission of the Russian Federation for UNESCOMinistry of Natural Resources and Ecology have been submitted the "Magadansky Reserve" World Heritage nomination dossier to the Commission of the Russian Federation for UNESCO for the purpose of its further submission to the World Heritage Centre. Preparation of the nomination dossier for the only protected natural area within the Magadansky Region was supported by the Governor, Dudov N. N., in February 2005 "Magadansky Reserve" was inscribed on the Tentative List of the Russian Federation. The work was carried out in 2001-2009 by the Natural Heritage Protection Fund, the Institute of Geography RAS, the Technical University of Dresden, Natural and Cultural Heritage Institute named after D. S. Likhachev with the assistance of the German Federal Agency for Nature Conservation and WWF. The Site consists of 5 separate clusters, up to 600 km distant from each other. Due to such remoteness the clusters are characterized by pristine key natural complexes of the Okhotsko-Kolymsky region - wast territory of Far East region. Territory is unique for its representativeness and level of conservation, there are typical as well as specific and extremely different natural complexes: insular, marine, coastal, valley, mountainous, including extremely continental. The "Magadansky Reserve" should be estimated as outstanding geology-geomorphic site demonstrating the diversity of geological actions and phenomena typical not only for the North-East Eurasia, but also for other northern regions throughout the world. The number of nominated property features allows to say about its universal outstanding value in terms of biodiversity:
In the Kolyma river basin and in the Northern Priokhotie there are fully represented the unique ecosystems, which were developed here and which have no analogues neither in the Western Paleoarctic, nor in North America. Among them are continental larch spare forests, Bering cedar tundra, alpine and sub alpine meadows of the Kolyma Range, mixed Erman's birch forests of the Okhotsk Coastline, deciduous forests of pluvial valleys. These ecosystems have mosaic distribution on the territory, and the Reserve cluster structure allows to reach the high level of their representativeness.