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Transnational serial property "Western Tien-Shan" inscribed to the national Tentative lists of the Republic of Kazakhstan and the Kyrgyz Republic

Application forms for inscription Kazakh and Kyrgyz parts of the nomination to the Tentative lists of two republics have been developed and submitted to the World Heritage Center as part of the project for the transnational serial nomination "Western Tien-Shan" preparation.

The transnational serial nomination "Western Tien-Shan" located within areas of three Asian republics includes seven protected areas: Aksu-Djabagly, Karatuysky Reserves and Sayram-Ugamsky National Parks (Kazakhstan), Sary-Cheleksky, Besh-Aralsky, Padysha-Atinsky reserves (Kyrgyz Republic) and Chatkalsky Reserve (Uzbekistan). Uzbek part of the nomination is already been inscribed to the national Tentative list in January 2008. The transnational nomination is being prepared and it's submitting to the World Heritage Center plan in September 2010.

Alexey Butorin, President of the Natural Heritage Protection Fund, acts as UNESCO Consultant for the preparation of the nomination "Western Tien-Shan".