Steering meeting on the creation of the management plans for the Kronotsky Reserve and the South Kamchatka Federal PreserveIn the framework of the UNDP/GEF project "Sustainable preservation of the bio-diversity: four Specially Protected Nature Areas in the Kamchatka region of the Russian Federation" a steering meeting was held on 28 October in Elisovo to work out the management plans for the Kronotsky Reserve and the South Kamchatka Federal Preserve, which make part of the World Heritage site Volcanoes of Kamchatka. At the meeting the employees of the reserve submitted for the stakeholders' discussion a number of measures to be taken in the six major action areas of the reserve and the preserve over the period 2009-2013. As a result of the discussion a resolution was passed, featuring a number of agreed measures, which will make up the core of the action plan for the reserve and the preserve over the medium-term period. A draft management plan for the Kronotsky Reserve and the South Kamchatka Federal Preserve will be submitted to the Natural Resource Ministry's environmental regulator before the end of the current year. On 25 December a steering meeting in the "Nalychevo" Nature Park will mark the final stage of the management plans preparation in the framework of the UNDP/GEF project. |