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Consultations and working meetings concerning "The Lena Pillars Natural Park" nomination were held in the IUCN Head office

Working meetings between Russian delegation and IUCN experts were held in 18-19 of May in IUCN Head office (Gland, Switzerland) concerning the nomination of Russian site "The Lena Pillars Natural Park". The new edition of nomination will be presented to the UNESCO World Heritage Centre before 1st February 2011.

"The Lena Pillars" nomination presented in January 2008 in the UNESCO World Heritage Centre by the Russia, received negative recommendations from IUCN concerning all the four natural criteria, and was recalled for update before the 33rd Session of the World Heritage Committee.

After consultations in the IUCN Head office it was resolved to nominate "The Lena Pillars" again for the World Heritage status, after making the significant changes in the nomination dossier. In particular, the square of nominated territory is to be considerably expanded, and it is assumed to work out more profound justification of outstanding universal value concerning sedimentary deposits of the Cambrian system, cryogenic karst and aesthetic effect (criteria vii and viii). The nomination will be presented to the World Heritage Centre before 1st February of 2011.