IUCN expert mission to the Tajik national parkDuring the period from the 25th of September to the 5th of October the IUCN expert mission in Dushanbe, Khorog, Murghab and the Tajik National Park came about for the decision-making over the inclusion a natural site "Tajik national park (Mountains of the Pamir)" on the UNESCO World Heritage List. During the visit the IUCN experts checked out the territory of the Park and its buffer zone, studied documents regulating the activities of the protected area, conducted negotiations with government officials responsible for long-term conservation of the nominated site. As a result of mission the experts will draw up a report on which basis the IUCN will present its recommendations for the next, 34th Session of the World Heritage Committee, which held in July 2010 in Brasilia (Brazil). The session will adopt a resolution over inscribing the Tajik NP in the UNESCO World Heritage List. In the case of a positive decision the "Tajik National Park" could become the first site of the Republic of Tajikistan in the World Heritage List. The nomination "Tajik national park (Mountains of the Pamir)" was prepared in 2005-2008 by the State Department on Natural Protected Areas of Tajikistan and the Natural Heritage Protection Fund, with the financial support from the UNESCO World Heritage Fund. |