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On August 18-20, 2008, a seminar called "The Virgine Komi Forests as a model natural World Heritage site" took place in Vuktil, Republic of Komi

The seminar was held within the framework of a project "Enhancing biodiversity conservation and speeding up the local social and economic development through effective use of the UNESCO World Heritage status". The project is coordinated by the Natural Heritage Protection Fund; financial assistance is provided by Matra/KNIP program (small-scale nature management projects).

The seminar was organized by the Ugyd Va National Park together with the Natural Heritage Protection Fund with the assistance of Matra/KNIP program of the Embassy of the Netherlands and the Gazprom Pererabotka Company of the Vuktil Gaz Production Department.

Total 25 participants took part in the seminar including representatives of the following organizations: Rosprirodnadzor, Komi Division of Rosprirodnadzor, Ministry of Natural Resources and Nature Conservation of the Republic of Komi, Ministry of National Policy of the Republic of Komi, Physical Culture, Sports and Tourism Agency of the Republic of Komi, Vuktil municipal district, the RAS Institute of Geography, Ugyd Va National Park, the Natural Heritage Protection Fund, public organization Committee for Saving the Pechora River, Gazprom Transgaz Uhta Ltd.

The two main themes of the seminar were: the development of a management plan for the Ugyd Va National Park and the Pechoro-Ilyichsky Reserve for the period 2009-2013 and the uses of World Heritage status for effective nature conservation and for the promotion of local socio-economic development.

The participants determined 2009-2013 priority activities for the Ugyd Va National Park and developed a set of proposals concerning the effective use of World Heritage status. The official summary of the workshop is currently under preparation and will be provided on the web site in middle September.