Status of component parts: State Nature Biosphere Reserve, Federal Sanctuary (Russia); Strictly Protected Area (Mongolia)
Area: 0,279 million ha (Russia), 0,634 million ha (Mongolia)
Situation: Inscribed on the World Heritage List in 2017 Criteria: (ix) (x)
The following organizations took part in preparation of the nomination: Natural Heritage Protection Fund, Daursky Reserve, Mongol Daguur Strictly Protected Area, Institute of Geography of the Russian Academy of Sciences, D.S. Likhachev Institute for Cultural and Natural Heritage, Institute of Biology of the Mongolian Academy of Sciences, Greenpeace Russia, International Academy for Nature Conservation (Isle of Vilm), Dresden University of Technology
The first property to be nominated within the frame of the serial nomination is the Torey basin which represents almost the whole variety of communities and species characteristic for steppes and forest-steppes of Dauria. The East Asian-Australasian migration flyway of waterfowl, shorebirds and passerines which goes across the basin is narrowed here. This is the key point of their on-route stop. The territory is home to more than 320 species of birds, of which 15 species are endangered and are listed in the red list of globally endangered species of IUCN (IUCN Red List, 2011). The territory is of major importance for conservation of natural massive transboundary migration routes of dzeren, which is the last grandiose phenomenon of this type in Central Asia.
Closed Torey basin represents an outstanding example of evolution processes: ecosystems undergo dramatic changes and spices adjust to periodically changing climate. The area has an undoubtful scientific value as a study ground for the research of climate change effects on the wild life.